I’d Like to Be More Approachable. Not Less Weird.
I don’t want to loose my awesome weird side, but I would like someone to approach me and ask me out on a date. How can we make that happen?
I don’t want to loose my awesome weird side, but I would like someone to approach me and ask me out on a date. How can we make that happen?
Unicorns aren’t easy to spot. Usually you have to be drunk or on drugs. Which, if that were true, means you may have bigger problems than seeing unicorns.
Life would be so much more fun if it were like Mario Kart. Then jumping building could be possible. And crashing into them is no big deal. You’d just spin out and keep going. Sadly it’s not, as this unfortunate person found out.
Not sure if this raw turkey cake is amazing or disgusting. Either way, I’d love to see it at Thanksgiving. Turns out that the recipe isn’t online for this exact cake, however you can get pretty much the same thing with this recipe.
Next time someone asks you how you’re doing, just reference this chart and tell them the truth. Oh, and have a nice day.
What’s better than coffee? A baby unicorn adding rainbows to your coffee. That’s a guaranteed fantastic day. via Sebastien Millon
Mario spends most of his life saving the Princess from Bowser. In fact, he spend most of his early years doing just that; over and over again. But then Mario had a change of heart and invited Bowser to go gokarting, play golf and baseball. Seems they’re now frenemies.
Forget that 7 8 9 but now 7 is a registered 6 offender. 7 is just out of control.
I feel like I’m a pretty smart cookie so won’t get tricked by this. But give me a drink or two and I’m sure this will sound like a fantastic deal!