Random Fun
Now this is a bounce house!
Every dad dreams of being able to bounce with their kids in the bounce house. This giant bounce house makes those dreams come true. Now I wonder where I can find one of these.
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.
Remember this if you ever get attacked by a mob of clowns. Course, if clowns attack you I wonder what you did to piss them off. Usually they’re pretty happy going.
No one ever plays with me. – Matches
And maybe it’s for a good reason. You start playing with those matches and they’ll burn hour house down. Bunch of jerks. via Truth
Restroom Spiderman – This is going to be a problem.
There’s a reason you keep your feet on the ground when you pee. I guess Spiderman didn’t know that. via Deathbulge
I don’t watch soccer and here is why.
If I wanted somebody struggle to score for 90 minutest, I’d take my friends out to the bar. That would be way more entertaining than soccer.
Sometimes C is for Coffee
Cookies & Coffee make my day. Granted, a fuzzy blue monster would as well. He looks so soft and cozy! Plus he always has cookies around.