I need to get me some sweet potatoes.
I’d be buying sweet potatoes all the time for my wife if they gave compliments when I opened the bag. Think how much I’d save on flowers!
I’d be buying sweet potatoes all the time for my wife if they gave compliments when I opened the bag. Think how much I’d save on flowers!
Getting through today was a challenge, but I made it. Sadly, I have to do it again tomorrow.
With someone you hate of course. That way you have something to eat. This kid is amazing!
What better way to bring back the 90s girl band, Spice Girls, than with a modern, fresh, fall classic; Pumpkin Spice! She may not dance, may not sing, but she’ll look super cozy up there.
Don’t be offended if someone doesn’t text you back. They probably just forgot. About you. In general. Because they don’t like you very much.
Sure, you complain about the toilet set being up, but have you seen how the rest of the bathroom looks!
This secret file cabinet has all the classified top-secret files. And, incase you need them, we keep the bottom secret files here too.
I wish I had this rug at home. I’d put it right outside the bedroom door so when my wife got up, she’d freak out. It’d be fantastic! Plus think how much more fun it’d be to have people over!
LOL – No one is laughing. ROFL – No one is on the floor. LMAO – Maybe an LOL, but no asses gone. FUCK – Whoever typed this just said it too. This is the truth.
The shots are just sitting there on the bar. They’re not going to drink themselves so bottoms up!