Skip the bowl and put the foot directly in my mouth.
Why do we need food bowls when it’s just going in my mouth anyway? Why can’t we just skip all that and make it easier on everyone?
Why do we need food bowls when it’s just going in my mouth anyway? Why can’t we just skip all that and make it easier on everyone?
Some good advice from the local liquor store. Sadly, I’m not sure if this is preventing people from drinking and playing with fireworks it, or giving them the idea.
I’m sure all your friends will want you to live text fireworks this year. Try it out, see how that goes.
I can hear the fireworks in my head. They don’t look as good in my head, but it’s the thought that counts. via Nebraska and imgur.
Every fourth of July I like to get me a little Boom Boom Pow! Awwwww. via Nebraska and imgur.
Every dad dreams of being able to bounce with their kids in the bounce house. This giant bounce house makes those dreams come true. Now I wonder where I can find one of these.
Remember this if you ever get attacked by a mob of clowns. Course, if clowns attack you I wonder what you did to piss them off. Usually they’re pretty happy going.