What’s the difference between a piano, a tuna and a pot of glue?
Everyone should have a special friend they can text this question to. 🙂
Everyone should have a special friend they can text this question to. 🙂
I think Garbage Pal Kids know exactly what they’re doing with these amazing cards. Sadly, Donald Dump is here to stay like it or not.
When you run into a problem in life or someone you don’t agree with, just be like robot. Whenever robot hits obstacle, he turns his face, backs away and goes forth in new direction. Robot is smart.
Some day’s your just so stylin’ that others hate you for looking this good. If you think this is cool, get it on a t-shirt.
You’re cute, you’re amazing, you can do anything until you get to college. Then reality kicks in and it’s time to grow up. Let’s face it, you’re not special. If you want something, work your ass off to get it. That’s what life is all about. via Sarah Anderson
Ever wish you could get a little pot from Colorado? Well, now you can. You can order it on Amazon and get it shipped right to your door. Or to a friends door. Handy!
When you sleep alone, you sleep with the internet. I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty good sometimes. Try to sleep with kids and you’ll wish you were anywhere else.
Life is hard. Then you get old and you just don’t care anymore.
What happens when you reach out to a land owner trying to accuse them of unauthorized activity that is natural? Well, you get a dam good response. Dear Mr. DeVries: It has come to the attention of the Department of Environmental Quality that there has been recent unauthorized activity on the above referenced parcel of … Read more
There’s always that moment when you realize that shit just got serious. Like when the big bad wolf is hiring the Kool-Aid man to break through the three pig’s brick house. Oh yea!