There was a spider, but it’s OK now.
Did you see the spider in the hotel? I did and I took care of it. He won’t be coming back anytime soon. Also, looks like we might be getting a new hotel!
Did you see the spider in the hotel? I did and I took care of it. He won’t be coming back anytime soon. Also, looks like we might be getting a new hotel!
Do you like puzzles? These two triangles are the same size and made up of the same pieces. If you re-order the pieces, the overall triangle is the same size yet one is missing a square. How’s that possible?
With all the beeping going on, none of them could hear the truck backing up until it was too late.
Have you ever stopped to think that Mario is probably homeless? He wakes up every day wearing the same clothes, runs around in sewers, beats up people for their money, and what does he spend it on? Mushrooms. Just saying. Something’s not right with that man.
Not everything that comes out of Trumps mouth is stupid. Taco trucks on every corner sounds like a fantastic idea.
If growing up in the ’80s taught me one thing, it’s that my friends and I should have found a treasure map by now. But no, no treasure map, no treasure. I can’t get to the end of the rainbow either! Being an adult sucks. Treasure map via
Print these out, cut them out, then hand them out to your friends, or random people. The bad luck cards will surely make someone smile. And that someone will probably be you so you win! via gemmacorrell
Why do some people eat animals? Because they’re trying to kill us. Ever wonder what animals are thinking? You don’t want to know. via safely endangered
Next time you’re afraid to share ideas remember someone once said in a meeting “Lets make a film with a tornado full of sharks.” You never know when your stupid idea will be the next big thing.