Open during the hurricane.
Don’t worry, we’ll be here. Unless we blow away. In that case, what the hell are you doing here?!
Don’t worry, we’ll be here. Unless we blow away. In that case, what the hell are you doing here?!
There use to be cows, but sadly, they no longer exist. All that is left is some kid that is lovin’ it.
We all know Milk Duds, Starbursts and Reese’sĀ Peanut Butter Cups, but that’s not their real names. Wouldn’t you agree?
Screw theĀ lemonade, we need something stronger. Something that takes those worries and shoves them down so far that you won’t remember them until you puke them back up in theĀ morning.
Don’t worry, it won’t take up much of your time, but they will try to make you feel bad.
When I think of the Olympics, I think of the best athletes in the world. The fastest, the strongest, the most healthy and fit people. And what says healthy and fit like McDonalds?! WTF?! They’re also sponsored by Coke. If I remember correctly, athletes never down a coke during a big game. Why are the … Read more
However the ice cream is really good so it’s kinda worth it. As long as you are willing to share.
I do like cookies, and look pretty good in black, so I’m gonna say this is a good idea.
What? You’ve never seen aĀ hamsterĀ eating spaghetti before? It’s damn cute if you ask me.