And you think your Mom’s bad.
Bird Mom’s are the worst. You think your Mom’s not nice, at least she didn’t throw you out of a tree when you were a baby. via The Square Comics
Bird Mom’s are the worst. You think your Mom’s not nice, at least she didn’t throw you out of a tree when you were a baby. via The Square Comics
I love it when traffic departments get sassy with their road signs. Meow!
Hey Mom, what’s for supper? I’m making whatever the hell I want. Served with a side of eat it or starve. Sweetie.
Life is hard. Then you get old and you just don’t care anymore.
For all those that complain that they’re single and it sucks, the truth is that they’re a superhero. They’re all single, aren’t they? It just makes sense. Could you imagine if Spiderman was married? “You going out again?” “You never stay home and cuddle anymore.” “Ewww, Grose. A spider. Kill it for me.”
Teens don’t know how good they have it with lyrics sites. We use to have to sing it wrong for years until the truth destroyed us. Until then, it was ignorant bliss.
What happens when you reach out to a land owner trying to accuse them of unauthorized activity that is natural? Well, you get a dam good response. Dear Mr. DeVries: It has come to the attention of the Department of Environmental Quality that there has been recent unauthorized activity on the above referenced parcel of … Read more
Look, I’m a hooman. Get off da counter, don’t eat mai fud, dur dur dur dur. Humans are so weird. They complain a lot and don’t like anything we cats do. That’s why they’re our pets.
There’s always that moment when you realize that shit just got serious. Like when the big bad wolf is hiring the Kool-Aid man to break through the three pig’s brick house. Oh yea!
You can’t help but smile and feel a little bit happy with a cute baby lamb smiling back at you.