Ever loved someone so much you’d do anything for them?
Yea, well, make that someone yourself and do whatever the hell you want. Remember: You’re worth it!
Yea, well, make that someone yourself and do whatever the hell you want. Remember: You’re worth it!
Gotta say it’s great to have someone like you to annoy for the rest of my life. Took me some time to find you, but now I have you forever.
Not everyone is warm and fuzzy. Some even suck more than most. Screw them. Screw Valentine’s Day. These all come from random places around the web. Quite a few from JulieAnnArt.
Just feed him to death and he’ll have a heart attack. Now the heart is all yours via extrafabulouscomics.com
… don’t fall for an idiot to forces you to be normal. There is nothing worse than losing your weirdness.
It’s the simple things in life that matter. Cake, tacos, bacon, and most of all, you!
What’s better than Netflix? Nothing really. But your significant other is a close second. Show them some love by sharing your Netflix with them. via Ludzies
You never know what lies ahead. There could be trouble, there could drama, there could be music and moonlight! Take control of the situation and dance. Trouble doesn’t define you, you define trouble.
Sugar is sweet. Lemons are tart. I love you more, Than a unicorn fart. Now that’s love right there. via sugarhai