Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and carry on.
Somethings in life don’t go the way they should and sometimes you just need to realize that’s life and move on.
Somethings in life don’t go the way they should and sometimes you just need to realize that’s life and move on.
This is the story of my life. 🙂
I never thought about it before, but I’m on my last life and my cat has up to eight more! OMG. Now I’m starting to freak out a little. I guess this is why we humans drink alcohol.
There are so many dumb ways to die. Listen to this cute little song and learn live another day.
Life’s complicated. It doesn’t matter which path you choose.
Video games can teach us lots of good life values; as long as you’re playing the right games.
So just relax, I’m working on it. There’s no need to rush it.
Now embrace your inner bitch and have a good time.
Chuck Norris created death to make life more exciting. You never feel more alive than when you’re running for your life.
Worrying doesn’t help anything. Relax, take a deep breath and worry less.