Coming to a Street Near You #Winter
Like it or not, winter is coming. Time to stock up on the snacks and booze.
Like it or not, winter is coming. Time to stock up on the snacks and booze.
It’s so exciting when spring comes and you can stop shoveling show every week. Then you realize you need to start mowing every week. Urg. At least we don’t have to wear as many layers. Maybe it’s time to get a new lawn mower. via FowlLanguageComics
Even though there is nothing you can do about the weather, bitching and moaning about it sure can make you feel better about it. Someday, spring will come. Some. Day. Tired of winter? There’s a book for that. via fowllanguagecomics
This is a great pun to tell everyone when you are sick. Your friends have to laugh too because you’re sick. You can also use it when you’re not sick by saying “You’re sick? That’s snot funny” whenever a friend tells you their sick.
How would you like to cut your winter heating bills in half?! It’s easy, just grab some scissors and cut them! Granted, the heating company isn’t going to be happy, but it may make you feel better…. for a while.
It’s so hard to be motivated and productive in the winter when the sun goes down so early. I’m just getting off work, is it bedtime already? via narcolepsyinc
Every winter it’s the same thing. We start off slow and cautious and then before you know it, snow is no big deal. We cruise down the road without a care in the world, slipping and sliding, and doing donuts like some sort of professional stunt car driver. Weeeeeee via dustinteractive
There are those who see snow as a winter wonderland of beautiful fun. And then there are those who want nothing to do with snow. Which one are you?
What’s winter going to be like this year? It’s going to be… well… like most every other year.