Jesus, Let It Snow.
I don’t know who ever thought this was a good idea, or after seeing it, still keeps it up. Took me a while to figure out what it said which is why I wrote it out for you.
I don’t know who ever thought this was a good idea, or after seeing it, still keeps it up. Took me a while to figure out what it said which is why I wrote it out for you.
What happens when you get a bunch of snow in March? Make a snow Easter bunny! Plus he’s like 6 foot tall. Amazing. via Seafront1 They’re not as cool and as big, but you can create your own snow animals like penguins, bears, and gnomes with snow molds. They’re much easier and work in the … Read more
There are those who see snow as a winter wonderland of beautiful fun. And then there are those who want nothing to do with snow. Which one are you?
Is there a snowstorm headed towards you? If so, this weather forecast is for you. Our predicted snow totals are based on the most technologically advanced weather satellites and years of historical information. Chances of us being right for someone is really good and you can’t beat accuracy like that. Keep in mind, this storm could shift … Read more
What’s winter going to be like this year? It’s going to be… well… like most every other year.
Next time you see a snowman, be nice. His days are numbered. In just a few months, he’ll be gone. His memory will live on in a puddle for a few days, then that’ll be gone too.
Why is it that when it snows, everyone forgets how to drive? Even in places where they’re use to snow, there are cars everywhere! In places that don’t often get snow, it’s like the end of the world! The ditch must be the safe spot. That’s why they all park there.
If you get lots of snow, let your creativity go crazy. Like creating snow monsters that are eating cars. Rawwwwwr! This beats out most snowmen.
It’s time for daffodils, bunnies, Easter, and warm weather. Enough is enough! If you’re going to have snow, you might as well get a unicorn snow tube.