And you think your Mom’s bad.
Bird Mom’s are the worst. You think your Mom’s not nice, at least she didn’t throw you out of a tree when you were a baby. via The Square Comics
Bird Mom’s are the worst. You think your Mom’s not nice, at least she didn’t throw you out of a tree when you were a baby. via The Square Comics
See Robin? Seem him there behind that tree? It’s a sure sign of spring when he comes creeping into the neighborhood. That and you may have a crime problem in the neighborhood. via bizarrocomics
I met this bird downtown by the tree near the post office. We chilled for like, five minutes & then without any warning he just flew away. We really hit it off so if you see him, please let him know hat I miss that crazy son of a bitch.
Everyone knows chocolate fountains are awesome and who wouldn’t want to cover themselves in sweet chocolate!
This is why I get up early, however I can’t seem to find any gummy worms. Just regular ones.
Be happy. Take some time, relax, and just be happy. Sometimes it’s the small things that make life awesome.
Be careful when trying to catch snowflakes on your tongue. You never know when a bird may want to drop by and play a little joke on you.
Take that George Clooney. Here are the new Batman and Robin. These super heros are real, however they probably won’t kick ass quite as much.
These two are up to something, we’re just not sure what yet. This could be where rat birds all started. Or then again, they could just be posing nice for the camera. via imgfave