You’ve got brains your head and feet in your shoes…
This is your day, now steer yourself in the direction you choose. Your path is up to you. So, what will you do?
This is your day, now steer yourself in the direction you choose. Your path is up to you. So, what will you do?
… and when you get to 8, throw a punch as no one will expect that and their guard will be down.
Some good advice from the local liquor store. Sadly, I’m not sure if this is preventing people from drinking and playing with fireworks it, or giving them the idea.
Remember this if you ever get attacked by a mob of clowns. Course, if clowns attack you I wonder what you did to piss them off. Usually they’re pretty happy going.
Watch out for things that have healthy buzz words on them. Lots of things don’t contain gluten, sugar, fat, or calories, yet they will kill you if you eat them.
Lifes too short to worry about everyone and their stupid opinions. Just smile and see what happens.
No need to go all out this Valentines Day. Just dump your sweetie before February 14th and you’ll save a ton of money. Or maybe not. If they really are your sweetie, you probably shouldn’t let them go. I mean, who else is going to want you? Not that there is anything wrong with you. … Read more
You can Like all the right stuff and it’ll never make a difference. But, you can give off your ass and do one good thing and change the world.
Mr. Rogers believed in you. Now get on your sweater, change your shoes, and be a good person.
Dog advice may not always seem like the best advice. But it works for them and it makes them happy. So who’s us to judge?