Up Beet. Down Beet. Sick Beet. Dead Beet.
Sometimes you lose a beet. It was a good beet too. Beets via gemmacorrell
Sometimes you lose a beet. It was a good beet too. Beets via gemmacorrell
I think that any brand of coffee that has a tagline of “Wake The Hell Up” is a good one.
William Shatner was pushing travel deals long before Priceline came around. It seems that even when you work in space, a good deal on a hotel room or rental car is hard to pass up.
Relationships these days all start with a Like, poke or favorite.
Well for some that’s true. The rest of us thought you looked great two hours ago.
Think you can come here and invite my house? I don’t think so. I have some plants that will take you out and I know how to use them.
Forget about a zombie apocalypse, your brain is going to kill you long before the zombies come if you don’t let the past be the past and enjoy the now.
Forget about forest fires, I need to get this body hidden now! Don’t ask any questions or else you’ll be next.
Facebook is like the social hotspot where you don’t have to get all dressed up and go out. Just sit there in your underwear Liking stuff and not really talking to anyone. Man, we’re just like social butterflies.
I’m a bit tired and I think someone else should do it. I’ll just cheer them on from the comfort of the couch.