This summer, get an American tan.
What’s more American than the American flag burned into your skin? USA USA USA
What’s more American than the American flag burned into your skin? USA USA USA
You drink or you sleep. It’s getting all serious up in here! Forget the Thrones, this is about coffee! It’s real life we have to survive!!
Want to make your cat happy? Then make a series of tubes for them to climb through. To create your own, you just need some boxes, some plastic planters, some Super Mario stickers, and creativity.
Being a parent is hard. The perspective of each parent differs and that can cause a lot of stress.
When someone was sitting around thinking up ideas for games, how in the world did they think up Hangman?! Guess a letter and if it’s not in a word, I’ll attach a body piece to this dead dude. Great game. via Extra Fabulous Comics
Every day is a new adventure and you never know what’s on the next page. However, one wrong turn and you could end up dead. Oops. Make good life choices.
We need to be single for a few years and find ourselves.
Did you realize that the best things in live start with the letter S? Or something like that. I have no idea what’s going on here, or why Scoffee or Schocolate are not on the list.