Red Hair. Don’t Care.
How do you criticizeĀ a redhead? You don’t. They’re all confidence. Add in St. Patrick’s Day and some beer and you’ve got no chance. Be nice, and don’t make them mad. Those leprechaun’s will hurt you if you cross them.
How do you criticizeĀ a redhead? You don’t. They’re all confidence. Add in St. Patrick’s Day and some beer and you’ve got no chance. Be nice, and don’t make them mad. Those leprechaun’s will hurt you if you cross them.
Sometimes, it just takes a different perspective to realize that violence isn’t the answer. Like when a mosquito lands on your testicles. Are you going to hit it? Probably not. Oh, and what happened to your pants!
There are so many things you can do on St. Patrick’s day. Like drink green beer, listen to some irish music, wear green, take down the Christmas tree.
I wish we could just cancel Monday. Lets move on to Tuesday, or Friday. I’m ready for the weekend!
It’s the best thing she ever did for me.
They’re cute, they’re yummy and if you take one, I don’t want to hear another peep out of you. Shut your cupcake hole!
Cats always like to be the center of attention. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing a puzzle, playing a game, or typing on the computer. They feel it’s their duty to be right there in the middle of things.
No need to take your car to the car wash, just draw on it. Granted, you need to have some drawing skills, but it’s a big, moving, canvas that you can use to showcase whatever you want!
Now matter how you look at it, atoms make up everything. Can they be trusted? Should they be trusted?! Course, we can’t just get rid of them.