Random Fun
Can I fill the sink with coffee and dunk my head in?
I’ll then suck it all down and be totally buzzed all freakin’ day long! COFFEE!!!!!!!!!
Every mirror should have this warning sticker!
Reflections in this mirror may be distorted by socially constructed ideas of ‘beauty’ In other words, you look damn fine and don’t you forget it.
Spend less time bitching, more time enjoying.
It’s amazing how much time some people waste bitching about things that don’t matter.
Exercise vs Cake – Who’s going to win?
If you take a look at the people exercising, then take a look a people eating cake, who’s going to look happier? Do what makes you happy. via Cyanide and Happiness
Now this is my kind of marathon.
Nothing like getting ready for a marathon. Then sitting down in front of the TV to watch that marathon. How many TV shows and/or movies can you watch in a row? via accordingtodevin.com
Are you in a flirtationship?
It’s more than a friendship, less than a relationship. You know, somewhere in the middle. Probably someplace awkward.
Goodbye Robin Williams
It’s hard to believe, but the amazing Robin Williams is gone. His many roles and amazing comedy will be remembered for generations to come. News outlets are reporting that he was suffering from depression and he may have committed suicide. If you, or someone you know has depression or is considering suicide, please get help.
Live in the moment. Or eat a cookie.
Today me will live in the moment unless it’s unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie. – Cookie Monster That’s some good advice right there.
Naked Farmer Hay Bales Himself (video) #WTF
You can file this under don’t try this at home, or anywhere. Not sure who made this or how, but it’s very entertaining.