Up Beet. Down Beet. Sick Beet. Dead Beet.
Sometimes you lose a beet. It was a good beet too. Beets via gemmacorrell
Sometimes you lose a beet. It was a good beet too. Beets via gemmacorrell
Do you ever wonder if bread realizes that they’re toast as soon as they get in the toaster?!
Herbivore eats plans. Carnivore eats meat. Omnivore eats a little bit of everything. Omnomnomnivore eats absolutely everything all the time.
Basically this is a good diet plan. Most things that aren’t good for you are cheap, easy or fake. Personally, I’d like to be hot, spicy and satisfying. 🙂
If you think my breadstick is big, why don’t you come back to my place and see my nuts.
Without them we wouldn’t have burgers, pizza, chocolate, ice-cream and many other delicious food. Go cows!!
Have you ever heard only part of the conversation? Of course you have. It happens all the time; especially in movies. Before you fly off the handle, get all the details. Context is important. It can be the difference between sex and marshmallows.
I’m sure there are  lots of questions; like where did the bacon come from? Sadly I have no answers. Other than don’t do drugs. Instead, go to the store and get yourself some bacon.
No one ever threw away a candy bar because it was old. Even though it tastes horrible, we still eat it. Nothing stops us.