Say Hello To My Little Snowmen
The snowmen know where you live and you should be afraid. Very afraid. Unless that is you have ice melt, hot water or a good stomping boot.
The snowmen know where you live and you should be afraid. Very afraid. Unless that is you have ice melt, hot water or a good stomping boot.
What do you do when the Internet is out? That’s a good question. To bad most people would need to Google the answer to find out. via Ctrl+Alt+Del
Some people look at he glass half empty. Others look at it half full; full of beer that is. When it snows so much you can’t get out, just use that snow to keep your beer cold and all will be good.
What do you do when you don’t want to be rescued? Escape of course! Go kitty Go!
Not every woman is created equal, and neither is every browser. Where as most are fun and safe, some are over-used and can get you infected. via
Did you know that AT&T lets you surf the web while your one the phone! How great is that?! No only can you be driving down the road at 70mph but you can be on the phone and surfing the web too. Hell, we cant even get people to stop texting and driving but yet … Read more
What’s better than pie? Paradise. What’s better than paradise? Paradise Pie. Mmmm doesn’t that look delicious! Via
I don’t k now about you, but I don’t need to know about Michael Phelps’ footlong. Props to the ad agency for getting that by the corporate big wigs, but really? We don’t need to think of Phelps when we’re eating a sub. Ok, I just lost my apatite. And the full commercial for those … Read more
Twitter is not like sex, unless you’re short, do it quickly, and fail often. Then it totally is. This is in response to Twitter Is Like Sex.
How many times have you gotten an email about Viagra? I mean we’re flooded by them every day; every hour. By now, our e-penises must be huge, not to mention we perform very well, and have a couple billion dollars from the Nigerian government.