Laugh It Up Turkey, You’re Next!
As soon as we’re done carving pumpkins, we’ll start in on carving turkeys!
As soon as we’re done carving pumpkins, we’ll start in on carving turkeys!
So Thanksgiving might be over, but there is plenty of turkey left. Chances are you’re still eating it to. Lets face it, it’s just hard to quit cold turkey.
Happy Thanksgiving Y’all! Now go eat something. Or drink something. Or both.
Not all turkeys are happy to be dinner. Wait, are any? I like to think some dream of growing up to be the biggest bestest turkey dinner ever. That way when we cooking them, we’reĀ fulfillingĀ their lifelong dream. That makes us good people.
Waiting is hard, especially when you know there is a great meal just around the corner. Just be patient, it’s worth the wait.
It was awesome though. The rush of adrenaline, the thrill of the kill! Getting old and senileĀ is so much fun.
We all are thinking of turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes. Maybe some cranberry sauce and pie. We’re all thinking about so much good food, but we’re going to get a whole lot more that just that. Like guilt. Dear God. Someone is going to make you feel bad about something. It is family after all. … Read more
Seems that every Thanksgiving all the guys, and all the gals, just want the bird with the big breasts. They don’t care about our brains. They just chop our heads off and go for our voluminousĀ body.
If turkey basters could talk, they’d give us some strange stories. via BrainlessTails
What’s better than a Thanksgiving turkey? A Thanksgiving turkey covered in bacon!