A Christmas Carol… in 3 seconds.
Christmas Sucks! You suck! Yea Christmas! That’s the gist of the story. Not sure why we need a 2 hour movie, but when we add Muppets, that makes it much better.
Christmas Sucks! You suck! Yea Christmas! That’s the gist of the story. Not sure why we need a 2 hour movie, but when we add Muppets, that makes it much better.
Pinching people who don’t wear green on St. Patrick’s Day is one tradition that I don’t quite get, but, does it count when you’re all green? Seems like a good idea until someone points out that you’re also naked. Awkward!
I didn’t realize that Peeps could look so good. I love Muppets, and as Peeps, they’re even sweeter.
There are some things you don’t come back from. Like when a chicken crosses the road. You either live or die.
Don’t worry, it’s just science kids. Oh, and don’t try this at home. In fact, just stay away from it. Forever.
Even Grover can’t believe what’s going on. He’s madder than when someone confuses him for Gonzo. Ok, so that’s probably not very mad as Muppets tend to be pretty forgiving. Except when someone attacks one of their own.
Ben Folds Five and Fraggle Rock “DO IT ANYWAY” [Official Video] Behind The Scenes – Ben Folds Five and Fraggle Rock Official Music Video In my opinion, any time you add Muppets to anything, it gets better.
Kermit the Frog gets the inside scoops on aliens. Believe it or not, Old MacDonald had a spaceship, ee i ee i o. With a whoosh whoosh here and a whoosh whoosh there. Here a whoosh there a whoosh everywhere a whoosh whoosh. And for the record, it’s not a frisbee.