This one goes out to all of the Peeps who make Easter every holiday great.

Most peeps are non-binary, but someone has to make baby Peeps right? I haven’t seen the ladies around, but I’m sure they’re out there. From candy to stuffed animals, books to growing your own Peeps, there are so many different Peeps gifts out there.
I didn’t realize that Peeps could look so good. I love Muppets, and as Peeps, they’re even sweeter.
If you stop and think about it, a hollow chocolate Easter bunny would be amazing if it were filled with Peeps. Sure, Peeps get a bad rap sometimes, but at Easter they’re OK. via Doctor Fun
All I’m saying is give Peeps a chance. Make Peeps not war. Peeps for everyone. 😉
The Peeps are waiting. Waiting for Easter. Waiting for kids. Waiting for someone to finally eat them and get sugar crazy.
It’ll be so soft and sweet and people will be talking about it for days! Plus it’s a super easy recipe. Just add Peeps.
Turns out that if you stick toothpicks in Peeps, then microwave them, they joust. Well kind of. I tried to find a cool video on YouTube but failed. Mainly because recording though a microwave door doesn’t work well. I might have to try this though.