Dawn of the Doughnuts
You better eat them before they eat you! Sadly, eat to many and the doughnuts kill you anyway. So, I guess it’s a lose lose situation; except doughnuts are tasty which is a win. It’s complicated. Sprinkles!!
You better eat them before they eat you! Sadly, eat to many and the doughnuts kill you anyway. So, I guess it’s a lose lose situation; except doughnuts are tasty which is a win. It’s complicated. Sprinkles!!
It seems everyone else can get a tan but me. I’m the white one that stands out. Also, I’m now hungry for a donut.
April Fools day is the worst. Except for all the other days when people play stupid pranks on us. Why do you have to get your kicks from making me look stupid! Oh look, free donuts! Mmmm donuts!
Poor donut. I always thought that was a donut hole, but I guess it’s a donut heart. Need a special card for that special one that left you hurt and miserable? As I Live and Breath has some anti-valentines day cards that are cute donuts, but heartbroken at the same time.
If I could find a bakery making Cookie Monster donuts, I may just buy them all. Not only are they donuts, but they come with cookies! I’m so hungry right now.
It doesn’t matter who you are, what you like, or how weird your happy place is, we all deserve to be happy. Even if it is Skeletor creating rainbows while riding a unicorn that is pooping donuts. Everyone deserves to be happy.
I don’t know about you, but if I turned on the news and saw live coverage of cops chasing a donut truck, I’d grab the popcorn and watch! You’d be my hero!
Did you know that Texas has not one but four Donut Taco Palace restaurants?! Four places where you can order donuts AND tacos. I’m thinking it’s time for a road trip to Texas. Who’s with me?
Donuts and cats go together like peanut butter and Ritz crackers. Not sure what that means, but I do like the combinations.
There is nothing like floating on a giant donut, in the pool, while eating a donut, on a nice summer day. Doesn’t that sound nice?! Buy your own Gigantic Donut Pool Float.