Spiderdog Isn’t As Cool As Spiderman
Spiderman is pretty cool. Even Spiderpig it awesome. But Spiderdog isn’t so happy.
Spiderman is pretty cool. Even Spiderpig it awesome. But Spiderdog isn’t so happy.
I’m not sure why pets think that the Christmas tree is good for eating, cats and dogs both love to chew on it. Om nom nom nom. Then you get festive holiday puke!
If you want you dog to stand out this Halloween, just add a couple of heads to their body and it’s looks amazing. I’m not sure how the extra heads are attached, or where they come from, but this is the happiest dog I’ve ever seen. Look at all those smiles!
Most dogs seem to have many names. They have the name that is on their collar and then nicknames like Stopthat and Getbackhere. I hear them being called all the time.
I’m not sure I’d ever think of dyeing my pets red, white and blue, but some of these look pretty cool. Others, not so much. A for effort all around though. ‘Merica!
Dogs love going for rides in cars. But sometimes, they notice you watching and try to act natural. They try so hard.
The problem with winter is you eventually get tired of being inside and it looks nice out. So out you go. Crap! It’s cold out. Lets go inside until spring. We then repeat this cycle all winter long. This is most evident with dogs. They love going out, but come right back in after a … Read more
I was just sitting here like a good dog when it just fell over all by itself without me even touch it.