That Moment When My Heart Almost Stopped.
What’s worse than dropping your phone? Dropping it someplace where you can’t get it back! OMG! OMG! OMG! How do you even pick it up?!
What’s worse than dropping your phone? Dropping it someplace where you can’t get it back! OMG! OMG! OMG! How do you even pick it up?!
When I get married to you and we ever had an argument I’m going to make sure I tighten all the jars in the house to make sure you come to me. Don’t worry, I know how to make you need me again.
Poor Earth. It’s temperature just keeps rising and he’s been diagnosed with humans.
And this is why people say they’ve never seen a unicorn in the wild. Turns out, that once you see one, they stab you. Ouch. via the wonderful
Lets just say you don’t have to worry about anything; unless you have a nicer body.
It must be hard to live in the fridge and having your friends expire all the time. Either that or get eaten.
The motivational saying says that when one door closes, another opens. That’s great and all, but you know you can re-open the same door right? It’s not closed forever. It may be locked, but still, find the key and unlock it.
The nerve of some people, wearing white after labor day. Doesn’t Princess Leia have any fashion sense?
Don’t you just love road construction? Especially when the road is closed for no good reason? Jerks. Who do they think they are? Oh yea, the ones that make our roads. I guess I’ll wait.
With technology in the classrooms now, dogs don’t have to eat homework anymore. They simply hit the Delete key and it’s gone. Quite a timesaver.