Sexy Bikini Turkey
Want to have the sexiest turkey in the neighborhood this Thanksgiving? Well you can. With a little tin foil and a great sense of humor, you can create this lovely turkey for your Thanksgiving feast. Get the recipe here.
Want to have the sexiest turkey in the neighborhood this Thanksgiving? Well you can. With a little tin foil and a great sense of humor, you can create this lovely turkey for your Thanksgiving feast. Get the recipe here.
What happens when turkeys stuff humans for Thanksgiving? Well it isn’t pretty. Sadly, it’s the same as what we’re doing, only a bit more disturbing. Eat up!
What a great day. The sun is shining, there is hot coffee and… oh yea… that one jerk that’s just going to ruin it for everyone.
Seems there are a lot of people obsessed with Thor and they probably wouldn’t mind seeing him shirtless. That’s why Disney is making the Little Thormaid. Thor will be shirtless and wet the whole movie.
Not sure how, but it seems that you can give a turkey weapons or you could just stuff his ass with stuffing. Your choice.
You don’t always get lucky, but when you do, it’s good to have a condom around. Even if it’s framed and you have to break the glass to get to it. Miracles happen.
Holiday meals are great. I have so much good food and my stretchy pants get a work out. Win. Win.
Thanksgiving turkeys have so much to worry about, but how stuffing makes their breasts look shouldn’t be a concern. I mean we want them big. Right?
No one ever asks the turkey what he’s thankful for. Of course he’s way past dead by the time we eat him, still. Common courtesy people.
What’s better than a bunch of Thanksgiving food? Cats! Cats at Thanksgiving! Cats in pilgrim hats and cats with indian feathers.