I should have got the shot.
Sometimes, you realize a bit too late that you you’re making a bad decision. Take it from this skeleton, you really should get your shots. All of them.
Sometimes, you realize a bit too late that you you’re making a bad decision. Take it from this skeleton, you really should get your shots. All of them.
Keep your pitch forks to your self and just enjoy Halloween this year!
There’s nothing more scary that people who believe what they read on Facebook.
Hero: Look the dragon is almost slain! Let us arm ourselves and end its reign of terror! People: Wait, what’s this armor made of? The court jester says it makes you magnetic…. I can’t breath in this helmet! More People: Don’t push your pro-armor agenda on us! The dragon hasn’t eaten anyone-I-know. We should let … Read more
Yea, well, make that someone yourself and do whatever the hell you want. Remember: You’re worth it!
Wrapping birthday or Christmas presents is actually pretty easy once you know how. Basically, get some wrapping paper, then a gift box, then throw out the wrapping paper, get a gift bag, and put your gift in there. Gift bags are the best.
Sometimes you need to settle and make whatever work. Then again, maybe you shouldn’t. Not all ideas are good ideas.
Dr. Seuss’s new book, Things I Will Put Up Your Ass, If You Don’t Put On That Fucking Mask is going to be a best seller this holiday season. Also, wear a mask.
Come on America, vote! We need your help. I know some might like the president’s unorthodox style, but it’s dangerous for everyone.