The Credible Hulk
You won’t like him when he’s angry because he always supports his argument with properly documented scholarly sources. That’s Credible Hulk.
You won’t like him when he’s angry because he always supports his argument with properly documented scholarly sources. That’s Credible Hulk.
When the eyes are moving, the ground is shaking. You’ll be entertained until you realize your world is falling down around you.
It’s made with white bread, is full of baloney, topped with Russian dressing, and a small pickle on the side. In the end, it’s not very satisfying.
If you ever wanted to convince someone to recycle, this is probably the best way. Some people kids are little jerks, others are brilliant.
Remember when they told you that you could be anything as a kid? You could even grow up to be president? Well, maybe we’ve taken that just a bit too far this year.
Who needs a drink? Whiskey cat needs a drink. And another drink. And another drink. At this rate, he can drink all night and still not have a hangover in the morning.
Did you see the spider in the hotel? I did and I took care of it. He won’t be coming back anytime soon. Also, looks like we might be getting a new hotel!
Next time you’re afraid to share ideas remember someone once said in a meeting “Lets make a film with a tornado full of sharks.” You never know when your stupid idea will be the next big thing.
New Road. Yea! Same Speed Limit. OK. Drive it or we’ll put the potholes back. Yikes!
Who do you vote for when no one seems like a good choice? Well, maybe Nobody. He seems to say all the right things. Nobody will keep election promises. Nobody will listen to your concerns. Nobody will help the poor & unemployed. Nobody cares! If Nobody is elected, things will be better for everyone. Nobody … Read more