It’s Cold Out. Wear A Cat.
It’s the middle of winter and most of the country is freezing. When it gets this cold out, it’s always a good idea to wear a cat. They’ll keep you warm.
It’s the middle of winter and most of the country is freezing. When it gets this cold out, it’s always a good idea to wear a cat. They’ll keep you warm.
And I’m sorry if you were the last to get it. I’m sure you’re not an idiot. 😉
Next time you’re out rolling snow in to a ball, think bigger. Think a snow shark that towers over the neighborhood! This 16-foot Snow Shark was built by Austin, Connor and Trevor Bartz, brothers in New Brighton, MN. I can’t even imagine how they built this.
How on earth can a girl get a guy without her voice? Oh yea, with her boobs. Turns out guys like boobs. Well most guys.
New Years resolutions don’t last long for most people. So if you’re going to fail at keeping them, you might as well fail big. via ShoeBox – Chuck & Beans
The battle as to who is the best Batman will continue to rage for years to come. One things for sure though, Ben Affleck probably isn’t the right answer.
It doesn’t matter the time, the day, or the season, it’s always too early to get out of bed.
Before there was some girl giving herself up in tribute, there were a bunch of hippos eating marbles. May the odds be ever in your favor, because you have a lot of marbles to eat.