Remember how we googled back before Google?
Before we had Google, if you wanted to find something, like say a book, you had to manually look it up in the card catalog. And if you didn’t now how to do that, you were SOL.
Before we had Google, if you wanted to find something, like say a book, you had to manually look it up in the card catalog. And if you didn’t now how to do that, you were SOL.
How did anyone survive in the 1800’s without smart phones? What did they do with their time?!
The devil isn’t exactly the best role model, but sometimes he doesn’t seem so bad. Like when he’s teaching your kids about evolution and psychology. It’s like he’s a Harvard professor.
What’s more amazing than pizza and wine? If you ever wanted to know what kind of wine goes with different kinds of pizza, here are some suggestions. I don’t know about you, but I sure could go for some pizza and/or wine right now. via Hipcask
Can you eat a whole pie? Your eyes will say yes, but your stomach will say no. We listen to our eyes though. via AwkwardYeti
During the summer it’s always a good idea to take a break and have a BBQ. Invite your friends, and make them make you dinner. Photo via Tim Constable
Did you spend your summer biking? Maybe waterskiing? Tennis perhaps. Or did you spend all summer on Facebook and you’re as white as they come? It’s not too late to get some tan lines! Unless it is, in that case, winter is coming and no one will care.
Life is full of mysteries. Some are good ones, others make you wonder what the hell someone was thinking?! Here are just a few of those daily frustrations that we face. What else do you have to add to the list?
No one should be working like a dog, especially a cat. Work life balance man!