The Thanksgiving Spa Treatment
Just give the turkey a good rubdown, then put them in the sauna for a bit, and then they’ll be prefect for Thanksgiving dinner. Nothing like a good spa day to relax someone.
Just give the turkey a good rubdown, then put them in the sauna for a bit, and then they’ll be prefect for Thanksgiving dinner. Nothing like a good spa day to relax someone.
I’m sure if you actually could carve a turkey with a lightsaber people would. I mean, how cool would that be!
Add a little wine to your mom and she may be “All about that baste, ’bout that baste” this Thanksgiving. Drunkin pop mashups are fun. via metzgercartoons
Everyone likes turkey, even turkeys. That’s why we celebrate and eat and be happy on Thanksgiving. Ok, maybe those things don’t necessarily go together but lets just say it works. Also, is that turkey a pirate? via
You get what you pay for right? If so, this $123k turkey better be amazing! This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful I don’t have to buy this turkey.
See. This person gets it. Why go hunting when I don’t even know where sandwiches live? I don’t need to go track down something, kill it, clean it, cook it, and then make it into a sandwich when I could just go to the restaurant and get one.
You may not think that Pinterest is that great of a site, but all you do over there is look at pictures of food. The political crap is buried under piles and piles of cookies.
Nothing’s more confusing than figuring out how I’m supposed to wash clothes. Hot or cold? Like colors or just toss them all in? Coleslaw?! Screw it, I’m buying new.
I don’t know about you, but I’m a better eater than I am a dancer. I eat when no one is watching all the time! Heck, I’m eating right now.
Telling your mom thanks should happen more than once a year. But, if you only do it once a year, I guess it’s better than never. Happy Mother’s Day!!