Men Are Dogs. Women Are Cars.
Men are like dogs and women are like cars. Men chase every one that passes by and when they catch one, they are completely shocked.
Men are like dogs and women are like cars. Men chase every one that passes by and when they catch one, they are completely shocked.
Researchers can prove that beer turns men into women. It only takes a few beers and then men: Talked excessively without making sense. Became overly emotional. Couldn’t drive. Failed to think rationally. Argued over nothing. Had to sit while urinating. Couldn’t perform sexually. Refused to apologize when wrong.
Sometimes it’s best to just leave your husband at home instead of dragging him to the store with you. Unfortunately this lady learned that the hard way as her husband was having a bit to much fun at the store. He took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in peoples carts. Set all … Read more
I never understood women’s shoes until now. This handy chart explains them perfectly. The higher cuteness, the better chance at blisters. So all women have blisters and love them. Interesting. via Gizmodo.
We all know that men just think about sex and women think about shopping, cats, travel and so much more. via FFFFOUND!.