Even Spiderman has one of those days.
It’s not just you that has days where you’d be better off just staying in bed. Even Spiderman gets tangled in his own web sometimes. via BrandiShermanGermana
It’s not just you that has days where you’d be better off just staying in bed. Even Spiderman gets tangled in his own web sometimes. via BrandiShermanGermana
When you’re feeling down, just look up at the stars and realize that there are bigger things to be concerned about. Enjoy what you have and let the worries just float away.
It is called garbage can, not garbage cannot. Remember that next time someone speaks down to you.
Sometimes, when things are going too good, you know that you’ll soon get screwed over. That’s life.
There are certain things nearly every kid has done. If you haven’t done these at least once in your life, now’s a good time. If  you haven’t done them in a long time, it’s time to feel like a kid again!
Don’t waste your energy trying to change opinions … Do your thing, and don’t care if they like it. Quote by Tina Fey Artwork by Norma C.
Remember everything we use to do before we had the internet? Talk to people, work on projects that we could actually touch, go outside. Man, those were the days.
I’m pretty sure this is how a lot of people feel at work every day. Unfortunately, they aren’t filled with snacks or money.
Don’t be like everyone else, stand out and be you. Granted, you’ll have to take the consequences of your actions, but you’ll be happy to be you.
This is your day, now steer yourself in the direction you choose. Your path is up to you. So, what will you do?