LOL Zombie
Who Doesn’t Want Doughnut Seeds?
If only they were real, this would be my dream come true. With Doughnut seeds I’d grow me some glazed, sprinkled, twists, and maybe even a few doughnut holes.
Bacon Finger Nails
It’s never been such a good idea to bite your nails until now. The bacon finger nails make you more attractive to men and can substitute as a snack when you’re getting hungry. Is anyone else getting hungry? via Jezebel
Logo Design Gone Wrong
Logo design is a tricky thing. You spend countless hours trying to create the one perfect logo that will define a business for years, then some dick points out that it looks like a … well you know. It’s still a pretty logo, even if it looks like a mans tool. via Prince Of Petworth
Why is there a dead pakistani on my couch? And what’s up with the parakeet?
Why is there a dead pakistani on my couch? Well that’s a good question… Hurley. This is actually a clip from LOST and the fact that it shows up in Google suggest is hilarious! As for “Why Won’t My Parakeet Eat My Diarrhea?” Well were not sure why anyone would search on that. However, I’m … Read more
What are these strawberries doing on my nipples? I need them for the fruit salad.
Can I just say that I love Google? The auto suggest feature rocks! Type in ‘What’ and it’ll suggest “what are these strawberries doing on my nipples i need them for the fruit salad.” Which, by the way, is a great question. The answer is… it’s a book. Vanessa Feltz wrote the book “What are … Read more
Chicken Tragedy In The Kitchen
Little Johnny was so excited to give his mom the card he made for him, but it wasn’t meant to be. Johnny’s mom has already gone into the light. The light of the oven that is. via Meme
Moo. I Lick You
Who doesn’t like cows? Well except vegans. Isn’t this one soooo cute? I think he licks likes you. via pixdaus
How Mario Really Came To Life
Everyone loves Mario. But did you know that the little plumber boy use to be not so little and not so fun? Magic happens. via mikropikol
Here Comes Death and It’s Happy To See You
Whatever you do, don’t call them gay. What? I’m just saying that holding hands and skipping though a grassy field looks a little strange.