Texting and Swimming. It’s Bad News.
Careful where you swim when texting or Twittering. You may just get eaten by a shark! Let this be a warning to you all. 😉 via Sherman’s Lagoon
Careful where you swim when texting or Twittering. You may just get eaten by a shark! Let this be a warning to you all. 😉 via Sherman’s Lagoon
Forget about lions, tigers and bears. We’ve got background colors, logos and IE! Oh my!! via FreelanceSwitch
Well I think that this traffic signal isn’t very nice. I mean, I just want to cross the street and it’s telling me to f off. Maybe it’s more effective this way. Ohh and if you want to know how to do this yourself, just grab some electrical tape and tape over a few fingers. … Read more
I knew there was more to the food pyramid than fruits and vegetables. Zombies and Aliens eat everything. Well except plants. Maybe we should be scared.
This cat is being protected by the government and is fitting in quite well with the bunnies. Can you spot him?
I would be appalled at this if it weren’t true. But it is. Sad but true. via The Big Picture
Some ideas are good ideas and getting them to turn into a reality can be a problem. Don’t let your ideas die though, fight for them! via Scott Campbell
Well, I guess this answers the age old question of who came first, the chicken or the egg. Not what I was expecting though. via APOKALIPS