All About That Baste
Add a little wine to your mom and she may be “All about that baste, ’bout that baste” this Thanksgiving. Drunkin pop mashups are fun. via metzgercartoons
Add a little wine to your mom and she may be “All about that baste, ’bout that baste” this Thanksgiving. Drunkin pop mashups are fun. via metzgercartoons
Everyone likes turkey, even turkeys. That’s why we celebrate and eat and be happy on Thanksgiving. Ok, maybe those things don’t necessarily go together but lets just say it works. Also, is that turkey a pirate? via
You know how we trace our hand to make a turkey? Well, they can trace their feathers and make a person. Dang!! via speedbump
You get what you pay for right? If so, this $123k turkey better be amazing! This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful I don’t have to buy this turkey.
Holiday icons have it hard. Not only do they have standards and traditions to live up to, but some die every year. via
May your stuffing be tasty. May your turkey be plump. May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious and your pies take the prize, and may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs!
Thanksgiving is a lot like Christmas except you don’t get presents for holding in your family rage. It’s just a lot of food, family, and drama.
Christmas can try to takeover Thanksgiving, but you’ll never take our turkey, pie, and football!
Just think… If the Indians had given the Pilgrims a donkey instead of a turkey, we’d all be getting a piece of ass this Thanksgiving!
This Thanksgiving, when the directions say to let the bird chill, just prop it up and give it a beer. It’ll be happy before you toss it in sauna.