Have You Seen My Paper?
Every day people put up fliers and others come along and just steal their contact info.
Every day people put up fliers and others come along and just steal their contact info.
Never has basketball been so great to watch. See Kevin Garnett try and explain LOST to Glen Davis (Big Baby) while on the sidelines of a basketball game.
So by the looks of it, ABC is claiming that Lock is Jesus? And everyone else at the last supper are just the extras? Man I knew the bible was confusing, but I didn’t know it was this interesting and addicting. via TwisterMc’s Social Posterous Stash
Why is there a dead pakistani on my couch? Well that’s a good question… Hurley. This is actually a clip from LOST and the fact that it shows up in Google suggest is hilarious! As for “Why Won’t My Parakeet Eat My Diarrhea?” Well were not sure why anyone would search on that. However, I’m … Read more
In their rush to air exclusive photos of Flight 447’s destruction, no one in this newsroom stopped to ask the logical questions, such as: 1) How did the camera survive? and 2) Why are the photos in wide-screen format? The answers, of course, are: 1) Because the footage is from Lost. And, 2) because the … Read more