If a program doesn’t respond, just click a lot.
Did you know if you click a whole bunch of times on something that isn’t responding, eventually it’ll work. The hard part is figuring out how many clicks it takes. Just keep clicking! via mrlovenstein
Did you know if you click a whole bunch of times on something that isn’t responding, eventually it’ll work. The hard part is figuring out how many clicks it takes. Just keep clicking! via mrlovenstein
I just pressed the power button and it didn’t turn continue like you said. You lied to me!
Ever use that Caps Lock button on your computer? Probably not very often. I wish we could swap it out with a Cats Lock that switched everything to cats. That’d be an amazing feature.
The hardest passwords are the ones that include things that are important to her, and he has no clue.
With technology advancing at light speed, soon our computers and a 3D printer will be able to print out babies! Sadly, it’s not that far-fetched.
Nerds are so smart. They think of everything. No only is this genius, it’s also pretty and festive. Win. Win.
I do. They’re made up of music files, books, Office documents, movies and things like that.
Sometimes it seems like we’re just working for the weekend. Then the weekend gets here and we do the same things we do all week.
It’s not like I can go out in public and be this awesome. It just doesn’t work like that.
They were the best too. 2D, basic sounds and hours of endless fun!