My Color World
Life never looked so colorful and it shows that there is beauty everywhere you look. via montag451
Life never looked so colorful and it shows that there is beauty everywhere you look. via montag451
No matter who you are, if you have a pony like this, you’re going to be cool! Fire mane, rainbow tail, laser eyes, all around amazing!
It’s hard to tell these day’s who paranoid and who’s a security expert. Or if they’re one in the same. Either way, we’ve gone SSL to be like all the cool https sites in the inter-webs. Who hoo! Hopefully nothing breaks. cartoon via
If you live with a cat, you live this movie every day. And yes, there will be blood.
Whenever I delete an app on my iPhone, the shaking apps make me feel like their all panicked over who’s going to get deleted!
Even Batman likes to read in his down time. When he’s done with his books, he always returns them to the library like a good citizen.
There’s nothing better than making cupcakes instead of doing whatever it was I was really supposed to be dong. Oh wait, yes there is, eating cupcakes!
When you’re one Batman in the a sea of Supermen, you’re best chance at staying alive is blending in and act naturally. No one will ever know.
April Fools day is the worst. Except for all the other days when people play stupid pranks on us. Why do you have to get your kicks from making me look stupid! Oh look, free donuts! Mmmm donuts!