Random Fun
I Just Want To Be Happy. Is That To Much To Ask?
“When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.” Why the public school system can’t understand that is beyond me.
Zombies Invade Baby Jesus & Christmas
Some people, ok most people, feel that stores should not have Christmas stuff out in October. It’s kinda like zombies being at the birth of Jesus. It’s just not right. Funny, but not right. via Shoebox » chuck & beans.
Udderly Cool Cow Milk Pitcher
How cool would it be to poor milk onto your cereal, or creamer into your coffee, from a cows udder? Sounds fun to me. I’m not sure if this comes in full size, but you can buy a small version for creamer and what not. I’ll say it again, udderly cool!
Not a Boy, Not a Girl, it’s Drybones!
Some preggo ladies have all the luck. Not only are they creating life, but they are incubating characters from Super Mario Brothers! Look closely at the ultrasound, that’s got to be a Drybones character. Hope the parents have good jumping skills or some raccoon tales to keep the baby in line. He may look freaky, … Read more
What If Pac-Man Affected Kids Badly?
Computer games don’t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us kids, we’d all be running around darkened rooms munching magic pills, listening to repetitive electronic music. via i can read
Beware Dog Has Gun
This is a freaking awesome sign that should scare just about anyone away. One dog, one gun, no medication. via FFFFOUND!
Singing In The Rain, StarWars Edition
If George Lucas didn’t already have enough money, now they are thinking of re-making all the classic movies and replacing the rolls with StarWars characters. Probably a lot more violence and space ships too! via FFFFOUND!
Dandelion Parking Spots
Who says parking lots have to be dull and boring? How about some nice dandelions to spruce them up? via FFFFOUND!
Don’t Hit Me Ronald McDonald
Sometimes things are always as they seam. Even the McDonald’s icon, Ronald McDonald, has days when he reaches his breaking point. That’ll so put a downer on your Happy Meal.