More Bacon = More Joy
It doesn’t take a genius to figure this one out. The more bacon you have, the happier you are!
It doesn’t take a genius to figure this one out. The more bacon you have, the happier you are!
Mmmm cow, chicken, pig, squirrel, monkey, bat. So much food, so little time. via jhn brssndn!
Who wouldn’t want a cute little puppy like this helping you make cupcakes?! He’s tiny and ohhh soooo cute! He’s better looking than the cupcakes! via taza-and-husband
You know, this is a really good point. Why does Subway screw up the cheese on our sandwiches?! via WAXIN’ AND MILKIN’
Watch a Mac geek drool over this Mac Mini apple pie! It on-up’s Apple’s Mac Mini as you can eat it. Mmmm pie!! via Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
I knew there was more to the food pyramid than fruits and vegetables. Zombies and Aliens eat everything. Well except plants. Maybe we should be scared.
Well, I guess this answers the age old question of who came first, the chicken or the egg. Not what I was expecting though. via APOKALIPS
If only they were real, this would be my dream come true. With Doughnut seeds I’d grow me some glazed, sprinkled, twists, and maybe even a few doughnut holes.
It’s never been such a good idea to bite your nails until now. The bacon finger nails make you more attractive to men and can substitute as a snack when you’re getting hungry. Is anyone else getting hungry? via Jezebel