The Adult Equilievent of a Jack-In-The-Box
You just want some biscuits and you have to go through this evil game. You get all apprehensive that it’s just going to explode. And then it does!
You just want some biscuits and you have to go through this evil game. You get all apprehensive that it’s just going to explode. And then it does!
Talk about a deal. Cooking that first meal in your new home is tough because either you haven’t unpacked or you’re to tired from unpacking. That’s where the free pizza comes in!
Who doesn’t love sporks! Unless they’re in the road. Then what do you do? Why do sporks confuse people so? I guess we love them as long as we don’t have to deal with them.
Donuts and cats go together like peanut butter and Ritz crackers. Not sure what that means, but I do like the combinations.
There is nothing like floating on a giant donut, in the pool, while eating a donut, on a nice summer day. Doesn’t that sound nice?! Buy your own Gigantic Donut Pool Float.
I’m not sure about you, but I started eating cake as soon as we started talking about cake.
Who am I kidding? I eat all day. I mean, this bag of M&M’s isn’t going to finish itself. via minimumble
… I get to the end and think “Well that’s not going to happen.”
Poor cookie. He never saw it coming. Bet he was tasty though. Can you image a cookie that big? I’d need a giant glass of milk too. Mmmmm