March Madness Is Here And The Zombies Will Win It All
Watch out basketball, the zombies are going to dominate March Madness. The friaries and mermaids don’t stand a chance. Elves and ghosts will play a good game. But in the end, zombies will win!
Watch out basketball, the zombies are going to dominate March Madness. The friaries and mermaids don’t stand a chance. Elves and ghosts will play a good game. But in the end, zombies will win!
What happens when Apple CEO Steve Jobs goes undercover and works as a janitor at his company? What about Richard Branson? Martha Stewart? Will they survive? Watch this sweet SNL clip to find out!
For some mice, cheese isn’t good enough. So they set their skills at a higher level and go for a MacBook! Talk about mission impossible. via
Awesomeness comes from doing more right? More features, more weight, more cooler. That’s the ePad; the portable computer of the future.
Its like we’re in middle school all over again and playing with our calculators. Only we’re all grown up now with cars. But who cares, it’s still funny.
This is a hilarious joke that you could easily pull on your friends. Alls you need is one of those camelbak hydration packs and a dude. Then pretend to pee away!
Lets let Sarah Palin be our president in 2012! It’ll be humorous and the accent is entertaining. Plus the world is supposed to end in 2012 so it’s not like she’ll get to do much. Don’t cha know. Go Tina Fey Sarah Palin! via Dvorak Uncensored
I think someone needs to put down their Google phone and focus on the road. This is why we don’t text and drive people! Or search and drive. Or buzz and drive. Whatever.
You know how they say don’t touch power lines, well it’s true. Forget all the reasons they told you in school and just watch this video. A tree branch falls on a power line, screams in pain, then bursts into flames. Holy Sh*t! Tip: If you don’t make it to the end of the video, … Read more
Some times it’s the little things in life that mean the most. Like a carrot that you know you’re going to eat, but you still hold on to it like it’s your best friend, protecting it, and waiting for the right moment to sink your teeth into it. via The Daily Bunny