I don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account, so I just go around announcing out loud what I’m doing at random times. I’ve got 3 followers so far, but I think 2 are cops.
I don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account, so I just go around announcing out loud what I’m doing at random times. I’ve got 3 followers so far, but I think 2 are cops.
Not only does Facebook suck away all our time, but it also unveils our superheroes!
You may not think that Pinterest is that great of a site, but all you do over there is look at pictures of food. The political crap is buried under piles and piles of cookies.
Ever wonder where they come up with the idea for Facebook? I’m sure they stole it from Friendface. The wonderful friend network where you connect with others and they steal your info and advertise you to death. You can watch the full Friendface episode of The IT Crowd on Netflix or Hulu.
It’s true. Songs like “Empty the Dishwasher & the Cat Box Every Night Without Bitching About It” should be on Taylor’s new album. You’re going to love it. It’s a catchy tune.
Did you spend your summer biking? Maybe waterskiing? Tennis perhaps. Or did you spend all summer on Facebook and you’re as white as they come? It’s not too late to get some tan lines! Unless it is, in that case, winter is coming and no one will care.
I’m not sure if I should play this game on Twitter, Facebook, or in real life.
If you’re thinking about taking some private picts and sharing them on the internet, you should probably consult this flow chart. Are you using SnapChat? Facebook? Twitter? Text? WhatsApp? The results are all the same. Original version via Good.
Facebook is turning 10! Man, how time flies. And now that everyone is on Facebook, I’m sure you’ve all got “friends” who fall into each one of these categories.
Lions and tigers and bears oh my! Bad photos, fat ass pants, and no 3G OH HELL NO! via adventure-journal.com