Coffee spelled backwards is …
Coffee spelled backwards is EEFFOC. Just know that I don’t give an EFFOC until I’ve had my coffee.
Coffee spelled backwards is EEFFOC. Just know that I don’t give an EFFOC until I’ve had my coffee.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth has invented a high-powered bean juice that delivers intergalactic energy! What are you waiting for? Get a coffee now! Or better yet, an espresso. A Planet Expresso!
You drink or you sleep. It’s getting all serious up in here! Forget the Thrones, this is about coffee! It’s real life we have to survive!!
Some days, coffee doesn’t transform me into a happy, likable human being. Still, you wouldn’t want to see me without it.
I’m not sure if you need to burn down your whole house because you found a spider in your bed, but if you do, coffee is there for you.
Every time I try and function without coffee, this is how I look; A little strange and a quite a bit confused.
They always talk about how a kitchen remodel can make your space so much better. Well so can google eyes. Just add them to your appliances and they’ll make you smile every morning. It’s happiness without the work.
I’m sure all the IT guys love it when you tell them you successfully installed JAVA once you get done with a cup of coffee. They probably love it so much that you should do it again. Like today. Do it and see what happens. 😀
Coffee is a good thing. There are so many benefits to drinking it; other than the fact that it helps me deal with others. Wakes you up. You get to use your favorite mug! It’s so yummy. (if made right) Great for procrastinating. People watching in coffee shops. Makes you happy. Hand warmer. Energy!!! What other … Read more