Tomorrow is a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored.
Sadly tomorrow always turns into today and, well we all know that nothing is going to get done today. Maybe tomorrow.
Sadly tomorrow always turns into today and, well we all know that nothing is going to get done today. Maybe tomorrow.
Insanity is different for each person and mine is fun as hell! YOLO!
Lemons alone won’t make lemonade. Even if you tried, it’d taste horrible.
That Peter Pan. It’s hard to tell if he’s trust worthy or a sly guy.
The idea of running seems good for a moment, but lets face reality, most of us are not runners.
Do you ever wonder if bread realizes that they’re toast as soon as they get in the toaster?!
Herbivore eats plans. Carnivore eats meat. Omnivore eats a little bit of everything. Omnomnomnivore eats absolutely everything all the time.
It’s amazing what you can find when you come home early. Like a cat hanging out in your closet adding fur to all of your clothes.
Lets face it, the coffee and internet are the best things about work. Oh, and that paycheck isn’t bad either.
I mean really? Video games are fun. Movies are fun. Going to the bar is fun. Running is hard work and it makes you feel like you are going to die.