Why You Should Not Drink Sodas With Added Flavoring
If your soda has a twist of lemon, a touch of lime, a hint of vanilla or anything like that, I’d be cautious as you never know how it got in there.
If your soda has a twist of lemon, a touch of lime, a hint of vanilla or anything like that, I’d be cautious as you never know how it got in there.
Some people play with their food way to much. This preggo orange baby thing is a bit weird for me. Would you eat it?
Those turkeys can be tricky characters. If you get yourself a live one, make sure to keep a close eye on it or else you may be having hot dogs for Thanksgiving!
This won’t be my first stop when looking for a restaurant, that is unless I’ve been zombiefied. Then this place looks ultra tasty!
Wow Janet! While I’d rather be eating your brain, I’ve got to admit these jelly donuts are darn tasty. Could donuts hold off a zombie attack? Possibly. If the donuts were tasty enough. Mmm donuts.
Zombies also feast on IHOP food. I’m not sure if the zombies are eating the pancakes or if they are eating the brains of the customers. So it may not be safe to go to IHOP. Not sure on that one. Sounds like it should be safe though.
No trick or treat candy until you’ve eaten every bit of your brain, young man. Even zombie kids want to eat their Halloween candy more than they want to eat their dinner. And they get to eat brains! Guess chocolate is better than brains. But I could have told you that.