I hear humans skin monsters and make toilet covers out of their fir.
Pixar is an interesting company. On one hand, it’s awesome how they hide things in different movies, on the other hand, they killed Sulley!
Pixar is an interesting company. On one hand, it’s awesome how they hide things in different movies, on the other hand, they killed Sulley!
I don’t know if I’ve ever been quite this happy, but it’s something we should all aspire to be. If you want to put this as the wallpaper on your computer, which I highly encourage you to do at work, you can grab the full size over at Flickr. Now go on and be happy. … Read more
Just because you don’t have a significant other doesn’t mean you’re not amazing. Heck, some are even jealous of you! Live it up!
It should come as no surprise that men and women don’t have the same thoughts when it comes to romantic gestures. She wants a castle, he wants to get her into bed. It’s like a real life fairy tale.
You can never go wrong with a plan to drink wine until you’re drunk. Even if you’re trying to get someone drunk, they probably won’t care. That’s how cool wine is. via JimBenton
What’s more loving that your cat? This Valentine’s Day, spend it your furry friend. That is if they want you too. You never know with those little buggers. They love you one moment, the next they tell you to stay away. This relationship is complicated.
Poor donut. I always thought that was a donut hole, but I guess it’s a donut heart. Need a special card for that special one that left you hurt and miserable? As I Live and Breath has some anti-valentines day cards that are cute donuts, but heartbroken at the same time.
Who hasn’t had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and wondered where the toilet paper was? Ok, maybe it’s no that big of an issue, but for a gag gift, glow in the dark toilet paper is a pretty cool gift. It won’t be soft on your bottom, but watching … Read more