It seems that Melbourne, Australia is obsessed with Zombies. Every year they have a Zombie Shuffle festival were thousands of zombies come out and take over the city.
Check out some of the best zombies below!
It seems everything is evolving with technology. Even the homeless now have PayPal accounts. via Manolith
It seems that Melbourne, Australia is obsessed with Zombies. Every year they have a Zombie Shuffle festival were thousands of zombies come out and take over the city.
Check out some of the best zombies below!
Some days, it’s best to just stay in bed. You know, like days when you’re standing at the top of a lot of stairs and *bam!* next thing you know you are falling down them, a lot of them. Granted, I think the video is fake, I mean it has to be if he walks … Read more
Watch out America, those Little Debbie snack cakes can go bat at any time. And when they do, they are down right rude. If a snack cake turns on you, just remember you can defeat it by biting its head off. Its delicious, soft, moist, chewy head. Mmmmm Little Debbie. via Cakespy
Every serious biker needs a camper for their long rides. And how cool does it look! My guess is you can fit a bed and a bucket to pee in in that thing. Ahhh home sweet home. via The Daily Dish
Are you a big Twilight fan? Think Robert Pattinson, aka Edward Cullen, is the hottest ever? Then you’ll love this Edward cutout that you can put up on a wall in your room. Edward will stand creepily over you as you sleep making sure you are safe. He’ll be keeping an eye out for any … Read more
Don’t let your kids grow up to be doctors and lawyers and such. Keep them in the real world; as a janitor. This handy cleaning cart is the perfect gift for you underachieving little one to start to learn the ropes. In no time they’ll be cleaning up barf and emptying out garbage. Pick up … Read more
What’s hotter than a cat, dressed up like a lobster, in a lobster pot? Not sure. Interesting thing is this cat doesn’t even look pissed off. He’s just sitting there nicely, in his hot tub of sorts. via OMGKitty!!!!
Believe it or not, boxers, wrestlers and MMA fighters are not all that smart as they ask for people to kick their ass. I don’t know all the rules, but I’m pretty sure, you should hit the other guy!